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The Holiness Partnership is a Christian organization in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition with a vision of reclaiming the message of holiness and resourcing the Church to be faithful and fruitful.


In the fall of 2020, a group of pastors gathered together with a shared desire to return the Church to its original mission of proclaiming and living according to the truths of Scripture and fulfilling the Great Commission as Jesus instructed the disciples in Matthew 28:19-20: "Go and make disciples of all nations... teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."


Inspired by this commission and a love for the Biblical foundation championed by the founders of our Wesleyan-Holiness tradition — one of holy living, unearned grace, Biblical truth, missional outreach, and love for the "least of these" —  this group of pastors felt led to form "the Holiness Partnership." 


Our mission is to re-discover the vision and understanding of Biblical Christianity, re-emphasize the Biblical doctrines of the Holiness church, re-invigorate the local church for mission and evangelism, and re-capture fidelity to Biblical truth.


We pray that, like the apostles who were "filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly," this movement of Believers may be used by God to speak the truth boldly and help re-invigorate the Church to truly embody Christ's mission for us on earth. Please pray with us and join us as we seek the Lord's will for His holy people. Reach out to us to learn more.

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Andy Lauer (bnw v2).png

Rev. Andy Lauer

Vice President

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Rev. Carolina Guzman

Board Member

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Pastor Christina Fischer

Board Member

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Rev. David Rambarran

Board Member

Andy Lauer serves as the Lead Pastor at First Church of the Nazarene in South Bend, Indiana and has done so since 2013. He accepted Christ as his Savior at the age of 13 during a message by evangelist Charles Hastings Smith and experienced the Holy Spirit's sanctifying grace a decade later. He has been in ministry since 1997 and holds an MDiv from Nazarene Theological Seminary and an MA in John Wesley's theology from The University of Manchester, England. Andy has served the Church in a variety of areas including as church planter, worship and youth pastor, curriculum editor, and writer. He and his wife Barbie married in 1996 and have a son and daughter (Oscar and Edie) at Olivet Nazarene University and one daughter (Naomi) in high school.

Carolina met her husband, Daniel Carillo, while in Bible College and married in 2005. They have a son, Joshua, and currently serve as co-lead pastors of Chicago Heights Church of the Nazarene in Chicago Heights, Illinois. They have served in pastoral ministry in the Church of the Nazarene since 2006. Carolina came to faith in Christ during her late teen years, was baptized, and experienced a radical transformation as the Holy Spirit cleansed her heart. Quickly she began responding to God's call on her life and ministering in Iglesia del Nazareno Emanuel, where she helped set up a nonprofit community center and worked closely with at-risk youth in a largely Hispanic community of Toronto, Canada.

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Mrs. Diana Rambarran

Board Member

Diana serves alongside her husband, David, in ministry at Dayspring International Church, in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and as co-founder/COO of Bags of Hope, Inc. since the late 1990’s. She also currently serves as the District NMI President of the Southern Florida District. Diana gave her heart and fully consecrated her life to Christ as a teenager. She is a graduate of MidAmerica Nazarene University. She has a passion for missions, a deep love for Christ, and is grateful for every opportunity to serve Christ at home and abroad.

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Rev. Scott Sessions

Board Member

Scott and his wife Amy have been married since 2000 and have 4 children - Shelby, Dylan, Jackson, and Luke.  He was saved as a child, entirely sanctified as a college student, answered the call to preach at 28 and is currently serving in Cullman, Alabama at the First CotN. Scott is a 3rd generation Nazarene pastor with over 20 years of ministry experience, including service on the  District Advisory Board and as a General Assembly Delegate, on both the North and South Alabama Districts.

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Rev. Jared K. Henry


Lead Pastor of Mackey Church of the Nazarene in Mackey, Indiana, Jared has been serving in pastoral ministry since 2003. Jared came to Christ at 8 years of age and was entirely sanctified when he was 18 years old. He and his wife, Sarah, were married in 2002 and have two children: Jacob & Hannah.

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Rev. Shawn Siegfreid

Board Member

Shawn is the Lead Pastor of Kansas City First Church of the Nazarene. Shawn and his wife, Sherri, have been married since 1987 after meeting at MidAmerica Nazarene University and have three adult children all serving in ministry: Shawna, Shayli, and Shaden. Shawn came to Christ in 1983 and was entirely sanctified after college while he was a part time youth pastor in Topeka, Kansas. He has served on numerous university and district boards and pastored in Oklahoma, Iowa, California, Colorado and Kansas City, Missouri.

Christina serves as the Chief Admissions Counselor and Assistant Student Life Director at Kentucky Mountain Bible College. As the daughter of a pastor, she met Christ at a very young age and then consecrated her entire life to God’s will and direction at the Chicago Holiness Crusade in 1999.  She has been married to her husband, Shane, since 2002 and they have 3 boys: Jon, Sam, and Ben. She has a BA in Psychology and is pursuing ordination as an elder through Nazarene Bible College.  She has also previously served as youth pastor at South Bend First Church of the Nazarene in South Bend, Indiana, NYI District President on the Chicago Central District, and now serves as Co-Director for the NYI District Bible Quizzing program.

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Pastor Paige Graves
Board Member

Paige Graves lives in Cincinnati, Ohio and has been married to Michael since 2002. They have three children—Carter, Chase, and Brooke. Paige graduated from Mount Vernon Nazarene University in 2003 and was a high school teacher for several years before staying home with her children. The call to ministry came later in life, and she recently became a district licensed minister in the Church of the Nazarene through Nazarene Bible College. She teaches a weekly women’s Bible study; speaks at women’s conferences, retreats, and events; and is an occasional pulpit filler for local pastors. She has also served on many leadership boards at the district, regional, and university levels. She was saved at the age of ten, but after a difficult period, re-dedicated her life to the Lord in 2010. This has become her testimony as it was a catalyst for spiritual growth in her life and led her to becoming entirely sanctified in July 2012.

David has served as Lead Pastor of Dayspring International Church in Fort Lauderdale, FL since August 2006. He is also the founder/CEO of Bags of Hope, Inc. since the late 1990’s. He gave his heart to Christ at an early age while residing in the country of Guyana. It was there that he developed a passion for ministry and disciple-making. He is a graduate of Nazarene Theological Seminary. He serves the Southern Florida District as a member of The Board of Ministry, Finance Committee, etc. David and his wife, Diana, are grateful for every opportunity to share the unadulterated Good News of Jesus Christ and His call to holiness to a hungry and dying world.

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Rev. Rich Stadler

Board Member

Rich has been married to his wife, Vanessa since 2004 and they have two sons: Severin and Sullivan. Since 2011 he has served as Lead Pastor of the Covington, IN Church of the Nazarene. 

He was raised in the Church of the Nazarene, saved at an early age, and entirely sanctified & called into ministry at the same time. In ministry since 2005, Rich now serves on a variety of district ministries. He loves his local church and the Church of the Nazarene.


PO Box 78

Mackey, IN 47654

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