The Holiness Partnership is a Christian organization in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. Our mission is to re-discover the vision and understanding of Biblical Christianity, re-emphasize the Biblical doctrines of the Holiness church, re-invigorate the local church for mission and evangelism, and re-capture fidelity to Biblical truth.
Introducing our online magazine, Remnant. We pray that the Holy Spirit guides our messages, helps us bring clarity to holiness approaches to cultural issues, fosters a charitable dialogue in a polarized world, and enables us to speak the truth boldly in love, even in a time when the truth is unpopular.
To apply as a contributing writer, email us at info@theholinesspartnership.com.

As a movement, the Holiness Partnership stands in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition with a vision of reclaiming the message of holiness and resourcing the Church to be faithful and fruitful. There are junctions along the historic journey of the Church when men and women need to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. The Church in every generation faces false doctrines that are neither born of love nor true to the Holy Spirit. May this response be a tool for local churches, pastors, leaders, and those confronting one such errant teaching. We commend this response to you in the spirit of Christ.
